Connecting Body To Spirit
it’s time to shift priorities. Don’t let your mind convince you that only the material world matters. reconnect body to sprit and listen to your inner truth.
Do you feel disconnected? Do you have an uneasy feeling when you try to tap into your spirit self? This may be because the connection between your body and spirit has been neglected or interrupted. We all have a drive to connect to others. There are brain structures even that support learning and growth through interactions with others, but what about connecting to our own sense of self? Often, we go through life forming our identity based on the interactions we have and observations we make when seeing other people’s behavior. We have feelings of anxiety about wanting to be accepted, valued, and to belong, so we tend to turn outwards when forming identity.
It may be uncomfortable at first, but have you considered exploring the deepest parts of yourself and accessing your higher spirit self? This self is innate and holds profound secrets about the universe and creation. As young children, we explore and create with ease as long as we have security in our physical body and environment. The body is just a vessel that the soul is experiencing life through, but it is a useful tool that can be used if nurtured.
There are many ways to connect your body to your spirit self. One way is through music, art, and theater. We have a very special sensitivity to the arts and it mostly exists on a subconscious level. Every time we go out, there is music playing and art to see. We ironically shun artists and tell them that they have no value in our objective society, but there is sacred value in creation that connects our bodies to our spirit in profound ways.
Dance, sing, play, create art, and share these experiences with others. the key is free expression and energy with the intention of connecting to sacred power
You cannot be afraid of how you will be perceived by others, especially those whose spirit selves are severely neglected. You might be called crazy or weird and some people may be so intimidated by your connection to spirit that they react by being inconsistent or even cruel to you, but these are signs that you are actually doing something right.
The sacred magic of the universe used to be fostered in all aspects of human life before the idea that the material world is the only valid one gained popularity. Resistance and fears about those who maintain a connection to spirit and their magical capabilities have led to mass violence and other efforts to make us forget. The cost of this neglect of spirit is high though, and we find ourselves in a society of collective misery and loneliness.
It’s not a coincidence that there is so much war, violence, and trauma in our world when there has been a global effort by those with material power to destroy our connection to a deeper truth. Many free thinkers and spiritual leaders have been tortured or killed because they tapped into their sacred power and reminded us of what we lost. But you can take that power back by even dancing in your room, playing games with friends, and nurturing your own relationship between your body and spirit. Once you reconnect, the world will appear to have changed drastically. Suddenly opportunities for change and creation will open up in magical ways and you will find a sense of peace in your heart that you forgot was possible.