tuning out distractions


Unplug from shallow uses of time and energy and dive deeper into your spirit self.


Sometimes when I check my phone, I have a limited intention for its use. I might plan to check an email or go through some notifications and then go about my day, but the siren’s call of algorithms that beg for my attention and time can be hard to resist. The allure of a funny video, easy game, or binge worthy series comes from the desire to distract from stressful realities. All of a sudden, hours have gone by and the sun is setting; the day is done and I’m exhausted even though I have barely moved.

Does this situation sound familiar to you? It wouldn’t be surprising since we are all in this together navigating this level of distraction for the first time in human history. Never before have so many channels of information and entertainment been available 24/7 and within arm’s reach. If you aren’t careful, years can go by where you can only be connected to these channels of distraction.

What happens to our spirit selves when we only use our bodies to connect to our devices? Like any other connection, neglecting to nurture and validate spirit makes those bonds weaker.


The good news is that spirit cannot be killed even if it has been seriously neglected. Spirit is the energy of creation that cannot be destroyed by any human efforts. Spirit is always waiting with open arms for you to return home and when you are ready to take that journey back, it will be the light to guide your way.

It can be very emotional as you emerge from the cocoon of distractions and start to feel the world around you again. It can even be so overwhelming that the mind will go to great lengths to try and shut the whole thing down, but if you hang on you will experience a euphoric sense of connection with the universe.

It starts by putting out the intention that you are ready to change and be more connected to spirit. Connecting with others who are on this journey will support this intention and speaking of it often will bring power to your words. Tune into the voice of spirit which will send you signals when you start to get distracted again. Do NOT brush off these signals and ignore their message. Your mind will try to seduce you with promises of relaxation and fun if you submit to distraction, but don’t be fooled. True peace and play are experienced through connection to spirit.

Tap into your senses through meditation. Acknowledge every part of your body and bring attention to every sense you have. Your body and senses are designed for your spirit to experience the world and connect with others, so it needs nurturing and validation

Nobody can drag you out of distractions and connect you to spirit. There are guides, signs, and agents that can send you reminders and inspire change, but you are the only one who can make these changes happen. Many view that as a bad or scary thing that it’s up to them to figure out how to connect to spirit, but it’s actually great news! You have the capacity to connect with your soul at any time. No one can take that power away from you and no one can give it to you. You don’t have to let others determine whether you get to experience that connection.

That being said, you do not have to take this journey alone. Guides can help support you as you make your way, and resources can be offered to give that journey some structure and security. The potential of your intention can be maximized when supported by others who are connected to spirit. As a team, we can combine the sacred power of our collective spirit and create new realities through our intentions.


Finding the Eye of the Storm


Connecting Body To Spirit