Finding the Eye of the Storm
Agents of chaos and distraction can be found all around us. Learning how to find the sunny eye of the hurricane is how creation and peace is possible.
So, you have connected to your higher spirit self and are seeing the world through a lens of divine creation instead of a fixed material plane of existence. You are ready to embrace this new world and start working your magic to change your reality to meet your intentions. You go out for coffee but your card declines even though you just checked your account. You manage to find some cash in your pocket and when you go to fix your coffee you reach for some sugar and accidentally spill cream all over the counter and floor. After apologizing, you leave and try to shake it off. Hey that was a weird morning right?
But then you get a call from the auto shop telling you that what was supposed to be just an oil change has turned into a $600 expense for a required replacement of a part that you didn’t even know was malfunctioning. Stress builds as you scramble to get the funds together and as you try to transfer money, an email comes in from work asking where you are. You forgot that there was an important meeting even though you swear you created a notification in your phone. You rush home to get online to make your meeting and notice that the garage door is only opening half way. It’s not even noon and you are already exhausted and filled with anxiety.
At this point you may be thinking to yourself, “What a terrible day”. Strange isn’t it, that everything seems to fall apart around us the moment we start to get ourselves together. Opportunities for chaotic distraction appear more frequently when you start listening to spirit. This is because both the spirit and the mind are capable of altering reality. The mind does not want us to change or grow and believes it is protecting us by limiting our access to spirit. It will create distractions and barriers to discourage you from moving along your spiritual journey, but you must not let it take control. It doesn’t take long when we start to neglect spirit for us to forget our sacred truth and get lost in the material world again.
It takes practice, intention, and focus to find the moments of clarity and peace in between the chaos and crises. Take a moment to look at all the circumstances around you that are in your way of realizing your full potential. What are you afraid of? What does your mind think will happen if you grow, change, and succeed instead of hide and stay stagnant? Is it convinced that it’s better to keep things as they are instead of facing potential rejection and failure?
Let spirit guide you as you examine your surroundings. Your mind will try to convince you that it’s foolish and idiotic to listen to spirit any way it can. Know that you can never be wrong if you follow your spirit’s guidance. Spirit holds the truth
It’s also helpful to call out the mind out loud. When you share with others your experience of obstacles getting in the way of your intentions, you can dispel much of the mind’s power. Talking to others about it reveals the mind’s foundational lie that we are alone. We are never alone. We are all connected to each other in divine and sacred ways. We may try to isolate and convince ourselves that it’s our preference, but our spirit continues to scream out for connection.
Reaching out for the support of others can also help with practically overcoming the physical barriers that appear along our journeys. When we help each other get past these obstacles, we strengthen the power of our intention through our connections and we take power away from the mind. Next time you are overwhelmed by the chaos around you, find a way to plant your feet on the ground and reach out for support.