Raising the bar
Let yourself dream big. Don’t let the fear of instability limit your experience.
We are all at different points on our spiritual and material journey through life. The concept of letting intention transform life circumstance might not be new to you at all. Once you learn the tools and insight needed to transform your life, you might feel like you should be satisfied with the work you have accomplished so far. If you find yourself wanting more even if you have just managed to accomplish goals that had been neglected for years, this is a natural response. We set goals and utilize the power of our intention to reach them in a cyclical process and feedback loop that is life-long. Even older adults have that capacity to grow and allow their souls to remain curious and adventurous.
What is the title of the next chapter of your adventure? What has your imagination and intention created and what path have they set in front of you to follow? Now that many of your core needs have been met, it’s time to think outside of that narrow box of need and allow yourself to consider dreams and desires. The more you allow yourself to put intentions behind your wilder capacities of imagination, the more likely you can create physical manifestations of unlikely scenarios. Maybe when your needs weren’t being met, you lacked time or energy to let yourself dream big. This is your time to dive back into those special interests that had to be put on the back burner.
That said, it’s harder to allow yourself to dream big again after a long period of thinking practically about what you need to live a successful life. Talking with others who speak this language and acknowledge the power of spirit can be important spiritual reminders of what we are capable of, instead of what people say is possible. More importantly, it can remind us when our own minds have created restrictive rules about what we are capable of.
pride gets us nowhere. everyone is vulnerable to the lying mind and find themselves in its grasp from time to time. You deserve the help of others who can remind you to listen to spirit and the voice of light no matter how quiet they may seem in that moment
Settling for material stability limits yourself from going on the next grand adventure. The mind may hold you hostage with fears and anxieties that you cannot rock the boat or you could lose everything you have worked so hard to gain. The fact of the matter is that we only tell ourselves that our material securities and established relationships will guarantee life-long stability. Time and time again we are proven wrong by forces outside of our direct control or physical understanding. Seeing life as an on-going adventure also provides needed flexibility and adaptability when life throws extremely disruptive curveballs.