Overcoming Material Overload
Trust the voice of spirit and let it lead. it is not just a material world that we are living in after all.
They are everywhere and demand our attention at all times. Our phones, tablets, computers, homes, and accessories of all sorts. Having the security of things around you can keep you busy and keep the dopamine coming. We can become so focused on our things when surrounded by them. Don’t get me wrong, there is a certain kind of peace of mind that comes with having material evidence around you that you have resources and things that bring you joy. If the measure of human success is how many things you’ve managed to obtain, why is so much unhappiness and distress found in those who seemingly have it all? This is because the more you are engaged with the material world, the more you neglect spirit.
If you find yourself spending all of your time and energy on the things in your life and feel drained or a strange sense of unfulfillment, these may be signals from spirit that you have been ignoring important human work that needs to be done. Do you love yourself? Not your accomplishments or the things you’ve obtained but actually yourself? If tomorrow you lost all of the things that you have built your self worth off of, would you still love yourself? Do you have a family member, friend, spouse, or child that you have friction with? Does it haunt you? Are you genuinely able to let all the negative energy go around these relationships, or do you find yourself stuck?
Conflicts and difficult life events are inevitable processes of being alive, but how you respond to them is within your control. The more time you spend nourishing the spirit within and experiencing the natural beauty of the universe around you, the more you will feel real peace and connectedness. This sounds good on paper, but is easier said than done. The material mind is a real scrapper, and it will not go down without a fight. It will scream and claw at you from the inside to keep ignoring spirit and give the material world all of your attention. The only way to truly overcome this obstacle is to allow yourself to let spirit guide you deep within and heal your wounds. This is not something you have to do alone.
Having another spirit guide that is there with you along the way can ease this process and makes the fight 2 on 1 instead of 1 on 1. When I was in my early 20s, I was suffering deeply and despite my best efforts to face my demons, I was so afraid to fight them alone. My own spiritual teacher and guide came along with me and together I was able to put to rest 13 years of abuse and let go of the control my abuser had on my heart and mind. There were no trips, cars, video game systems, cosmetics, collectibles, or other material comforts that could save me from feeling haunted. It took the helping hand of someone filled with love and compassion to help me heal my spirit and allow me to help others do the same.
Don’t be afraid of the healing process. the work is hard but it is always rewarding. practice unplugging from the material world and tapping into the profound beauty of the universe
You don’t have to question anymore why your things fail to satisfy you. The material world is the result of creation, and creation can only come from the power of the universe that lives in all of us. You will be able to manage the material world in ways that you have never imagined if you are able to heal and let spirit lead. By going inward and overcoming spiritual challenges, the material world will feel like just the cherry on top instead of the whole sundae.
I remember going to the beach in my early 20s and trying so hard to recreate the wonder I felt there as a child. I went to the exact boardwalk, stayed at the same kind of ocean-front hotel, got the exact fudge, salt water taffy, and pizza. I was miserable. It didn’t matter that I had the right things because I was deeply hurting inside. After doing the work and letting spirit lead, I was able to go back years later with my partner and had the most amazing time. It was like everything was new again and magical even though nothing material had changed. Same beach, same hotel, same fudge, but these had all become side dishes to the big slice of inner peace I had worked so hard to find and maintain.