What money can’t buy
NO Matte r how much material security you manage to obtain, there is no price you can pay to avoid the life cycle.
We tend to try to avoid really thinking about the nature of our life cycles. Our vessel has a shelf life despite grand efforts fueled by piles of cash to prolong the end and cling to youth. Endless treatments, makeup efforts, and surgeries have attempted to convince us that we are not aging and we are not dying. Since the mind believes that there is no other life than a physical one that we perceive with our senses and brains, the end of physical life would appear to be the end of it all. But that cannot be true. There are so many amazing features of how life forms and sustains itself that we can observe but do not understand. When we think, we are using the cognitive feature of the brain that is much newer in design than you might think. Senses and feelings are much older than thoughts and introspections about mortality.
So, is it fair to say that we are overthinking this whole thing? There might be something to that as strange as that might seem. When we think about death we are letting the mind lead, but when we feel about death or listen to spirit about death there is a profound and unique sensation attached to it. I believe somewhere deep in all of us is a knowing that we forget by overthinking. When we assume that our minds and our capacity to make money are our only valuable features, we discard core characteristics of humanity.
We see those who have made it their life mission to discard their humanity completely. It’s not a coincidence that the wealthiest tend to care the least and have the smallest capacities for spiritual wholeness. They have completely bought into the mind’s lie, and believe that they can overcome death by discarding spirit. It is true that their financial gains open the doors for material resources and experiences, but it is also true that they have abandoned themselves in the process.
Have you thought about the things you attempt to do to avoid death? Have you ignored spirit because acknowledging spirit also means acknowledging death? It might be helpful to have a spiritual guide remind you how to listen to other essential parts of yourself so that you aren’t panicked and terrified of your higher self. Material security is always at the mercy of the universe. Spiritual security allows you to harness that power of the universe.
Don’t look back and regret neglecting spirit. This is the time to explore your imaginative powers, not to live in fear of loss or death
This might be a good time to reflect and think about how much of your life has been run by the limitations of your mind and your fears. Youth and vitality are everlasting to the soul, not the body. The body needs to be cared for and attended to, but the soul needs as much and even more nourishment. Set some time aside to measure how uncomfortable you are with imagining the capacities of humanity through the soul. If you find yourself wanting to forget it as soon as possible, that might be a sign that you need help getting back in touch with yourself.
It’s always important to remember that this journey does not have to be travelled alone. A trusted spiritual guide can ease the uncomfortably and teach you tools for engaging with your higher self.