Riding the Wave
Embracing change is like riding a wave. You have to learn to accept the unknown to fully embrace the powerful nature of intention.
Change is inevitable and our minds have an inclination to resist it. Think of all of the times that you have heard someone do impressive mental gymnastics to rationalize their thoughts and behaviors. Think of all the times that you have twisted reality to resist change. Since change is bound to happen whether we like it or not, why are we fighting a losing battle? When we cling to our attachments and try to deny the natural shifts of life, we make life much harder for ourselves.
Don’t get me wrong, unwanted change is uncomfortable! The key is learning how to tolerate periods of the unknown so that we can experience new things. If you find yourself “stuck” in your circumstances, there are plenty of fingers to point and blame to go around. These reasons aren’t excuses, but they also don’t determine the path you take. The mind wants you to fail, the mind of society expects you to fail. You have to believe in yourself that you can succeed.
It’s not easy to trust yourself when you have heard your whole life that you are incapable or that your only value is determined by how you can contribute to family and society. We are taught that we owe others for our right to live, so we forget that our lives belong to us. You came into this life because you have a purpose that is lead by your own power of creation. Creation is only possible if change can tag along, so we must learn to appreciate its function.
Can you imagine how boring life would be if everything was determined for us and there was no such thing as change and development? Why would we limit our potential to such a small and rigid box? There is nothing mundane about life! We are scattered pieces of stardust that generate energy and love through a physical vessel. We get to experience life through our senses and perception and we can access our higher selves to create possibilities that our minds would like to discard as silly fantasies. Imagination is magic and it’s something we have with us our entire lives. That means we hold to the tools to creation within ourselves.
You will never know every possible outcome. You must let go of that expectation and have faith in the power of your sacred connection to creation.
Learning skills, history, and useful information and practices are an important part of life. Our minds want us to be experts and to focus on the things that we don’t know by trying to learn as much as possible. Every day there is another theory being empirically tested in a lab, teachers pouring information into students through textbooks and lectures, and students burying their heads into their books and laptops for hours on end. There is merit to using our energy to learn, but we must not forget about about the knowledge that lives inside us since birth.
If you can manage to ride the waves of change, and turn to your higher self for guidance, you can take a chaotic situation and use it to your advantage. In that chaos you can use the tools of creation inside you to make your intention reality.