Embracing Loss
Nothing is the starting point of creation
You may be sitting there feeling like you have lost everything and there isn’t any hope. You aren’t alone. I have many times found myself in a position where I have lost everything that makes me feel safe and stable. It can feel helpless, scary, disorienting, and even impossible but you are NOT powerless. In fact, when you find yourself in a situation where it seems like all is lost, that is actually the perfect opportunity for intention and creation.
There are plenty of things that affect us that are essentially outside of our control. Politics, climate, sickness and death, even the impact of trauma have a far-reaching impact on how we navigate our lives. We can feel overwhelmed and disenchanted by these things when we associate them with our own power and abilities, but we are so much more than our tangible reality.
We are fragments of the universe, each of us pieces of a whole. The universe has no bills to pay, it simply exists. It’s true that our bodies need maintenance through food, water, and shelter but what nourishes our souls? It’s the deep connections we make with others that feeds the spirit within and our bodies are designed to recognize and send signals to each other through specialized brain structures.
When you find yourself with “nothing”, this is the perfect opportunity to reach out and connect. Connecting with others and asking for help opens up new opportunities we may never know if we were always content with what we have. It’s our need for more that motivates us to look for each other. Not a need for more material things or creature comforts, but the need to be seen, heard, and valued by another. It’s the need to be reminded that we are all connected to the universe and that we belong just the way we are.
When a farmer looks at an empty field of healthy land, they see the opportunity to plant life and watch it grow
If you focus only on what you have lost or what you don’t have, you will miss the opportunity to grow into something new. Hanging on desperately to what is familiar and bucking against change is a losing battle. Life will continue to give and take like the ocean’s tides. You will waste time and energy trying to create concrete out of material that is ambiguous in form and nature. If you use that energy instead to create and ride the wave of change, extraordinary things will be on the other side of it. Believe in your power and ability to influence the winds of change in your favor. Just remember that intention is not a plan; you will likely reach your destination in unexpected ways but you must trust in the process. There may be pain along the way, but growing pains are a necessary and crucial part of life.