More than one reality


Don’t let the reality in front of you dictate the possibilities for your future.


When I find myself really deep in the pit of my struggles, I have to remind myself that the physical reality I see around me is only one layer of our experience. We are taught in western societies to only acknowledge what we can observe from our concrete senses, but tuning into other parts our reality can change the very fabric of our concrete reality and open up new opportunities.

Many indigenous cultures recognize the interconnectedness of everything around us. Spirit, Mind, and Body send signals of energy through everything around us. When we are able to access that energy, we can tap into the possibility of great creation and long-lasting change.

Perhaps you find yourself struggling financially, see yourself trapped in a cycle of work, and are desperate for security. Only viewing the material circumstances around you will keep you stuck in that space. You can be successful despite the cards stacked against you. You are so much more powerful than the circumstances you find yourself in.


We can disrupt the flow of this material world as we recognize the spiritual and universal power that lives in us all. When we connect and recognize each other on a sacred level, our capacity for creation grows.

It’s when you isolate and silence yourself that you disconnect from who you really are

The fact is, we need connections to recognize the power that lives inside of us. When we let our minds tell us to fear others and what they might do to us, we tragically disconnect from our truth. We are here to connect with others and share this life with others. You can remember your truth when your heart feels known. We have known each other since the beginning of time and we are never truly alone.


Embracing Loss